
Year Location Proceedings
1990 Alexandria, VA (VA Tech University host) The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development, Diane Relf, Editor, 1992, Timber Press
1992 Newark, NJ (Rutgers University host) People-Plant Relationships: Setting Research Priorities, Joel Flagler and Raymond P. Poincelot, Editors, 1994, Haworth Press
1994 Davis, CA (UC Davis host) The Healing Dimensions of People-Plant Relations, Mark Francis, Pat Lindsey, Jay Stone Rice, Editors, 1994, Center for Design Research, UC Davis
1996 San Antonio, TX (Texas A&M host) People Plant Interactions in Urban Areas, Pat Williams and Jayne M. Zajicek, Editors, 1996, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University
1998 Sydney, Australia (University of Technology, Sydney host) Towards a New Millennium in People-Plant Relationships, M.D. Burchett, J. Tarran, and R.A. Wood, Editors, 1999, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
2000 Glencoe, IL (Chicago Botanic Garden host) Interaction by Design: Bringing People and Plants Together for Health and Well-being, Candice Shoemaker, Editor, 2002, Iowa State Press
2002 Toronto, Canada (as a part of the ISHS International Horticultural Congress) XXVI International Horticultural Congress: Expanding Roles for Horticulture in Improving Human Well-Being and Life Quality . 2004. D. Relf, Editor. Acta Horticulturae 639
2004 Awaji, Japan VIII International People-Plant Symposium on Exploring Therapeutic Powers of Flowers, Greenery and Nature. 2008. E. Matsuo, P.D. Relf, and M. Burchett, Editors. Acta Horticulturae 790
2006 Seoul, Korea (as a part of the ISHS International Horticultural Congress) XXVII International Horticultural Congress – IHC2006: International Symposium on Horticultural Practices and Therapy for Human Well-Being. 2008. C.A. Shoemaker, Editor. Acta Horticulturae 775
2010 Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada (joint meeting with the Canadian Horticultural Therapy Associations Annual Conference) Digging Deeper: Approaches to Research in Horticultural Therapy and Therapeutic Horticulture, Norman Goodyear and Candice Shoemaker, Editors. Acta Horticulturae 945
2012 Venlo, the Netherlands Diversity: Toward a new Vision of Nature, September 6, 7, and 8th. Visit www.ipps2012.com for more information.
2014 Brisbane, Australia (as part of the 29th International Horticultural Congress) XII International People-Plant Symposium on Horticulture and Human Communities: People, Plants and Places. Proceedings in press
2016 Montevideo, Uruguay XIII International People-Plant Symposium on Plants, Cultures and Healthy Communities – Plantas, culturas y comunidades saludables

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