On this page you will find examples of research conducted using interviews. Each article has a summary and a link to the article can be accessed through clicking on the title.
How the Public Values Urban Forests
SUMMARY: Results of this study confirm the intensity with which people value urban forests. Following Hurricane Hugo, residents of Charleston, South Carolina were interviewed and over 30% identified urban forests as being the most significant feature that was damaged. Results also indicate the numerous and diverse values associated with the urban forest: positive emotions evoked by the urban forests (11.6%), contribution to community image and aesthetics (9.5%), energy conservation (6.4%), personal values and memories (5%), environmental quality (3.4%), opportunities for leisure activities (2.3%) and functional concerns (1%).
Improving the Evaluation of Public Garden Educational Programs
SUMMARY: Professional staff at public gardens often overlook educational program evaluation for a variety of reasons, but it remains important for program funding and development. This study developed an original, six-step evaluation approach specific to educational programs at public gardens. Interviews subsequently were conducted with 11 executive directors and/or directors of education at 10 public gardens in the United States with proven, high-quality educational programs. Interviews examined the feasibility, practicality, perceived effectiveness, and merits of the original evaluation approach developed in this study. Interview data added clarification to what is known about the current state of educational program evaluation at public gardens and supported and further improved the original evaluation approach to create an improved version.
Sources of Information and Channels of Communication Used on Transfer of Gardening Technologies
SUMMARY: This study revealed that cooperative extension education usually requires a combination of communication channels or teaching methods. One channel or method supplements and complements another. It is the cumulative effect on people of repeated exposure to an innovation that results in action. The differential adoption behavior of the gardeners in relation to 10 gardening technologies suggests that the adoption of one technology does not depend on another. Adoption of a gardening technology is a major consequence of communication. Furthermore, the relative influence of sources and channels decreased with the increase in the number of technologies adopted.
If you would like to learn more about Interview Methodology, here are some books:
Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences By: Irving Seidman